Transfer of Six Renovated Houses to the Kátł’odeeche First Nation

News Releases

Alfred Moses, Minister Responsible for the Northwest Territories Housing Corporation (NWTHC) and for Addressing Homelessness, today announced the transfer of ownership of six houses to the Kátł’odeeche First Nation (KFN). These houses are newly renovated units that had been part of the NWTHC housing portfolio. The Kátł’odeeche First Nation expressed an interest in obtaining the units and using them for a housing program for First Nation members.


The KFN will administer their own community housing program with these newly-renovated units. Five units will be residences, and the remaining unit is designated as a local housing office.




“I’m so proud to be celebrating this successful partnership in housing. The NWTHC has been working in close partnership with the Kátł’odeeche First Nation (KFN) to establish public housing and develop homeownership on the KFN Reserve. The Government of the NWT committed in its mandate for the last four years to develop options to support Indigenous government in their housing aspirations – and this transfer, proposed by the First Nation themselves, is proof of that commitment.”
– Alfred Moses, Minister Responsible for the Northwest Territories Housing Corporation and Homelessness


Quick Facts


  • The NWTHC resolved long-standing land tenure matters that have impacted its ability to deliver housing programs and services on the KFN Reserve.
  • The NWTHC entered into a $1,200,000 contract with KFN to renovate 16 housing units.  Arcan Construction is managing the project, and local people were employed with the renovation of the units.
  • Renovations were fast-tracked in order to provide temporary accommodation for tenants displaced by the Hay River Highrise fire in March 2019.
  • The NWTHC plans to operate 10 of these units as public housing on the Reserve.  The KFN has expressed interest in providing maintenance services on these units.
  • The remaining six units are being transferred to the First Nation for their use in a housing program of their own design.


Media Contact:

Cara Bryant

Communications Advisor

Strategic Planning, Policy and Communications

Northwest Territories Housing Corporation

Phone: (867) 767-9328 ex. 85023

Fax: (867) 873-9426