The Department of Industry Tourism and Investment and Tu Cho Fishers Cooperative have signed an agreement confirming their commitment to the revitalization of the Great Slave Lake Fishing Industry.
The Memorandum of Agreement (MOU) was signed by Minister of ITI Katrina Nokleby and Cameron Beaverbones of the Tu Cho Fishers Cooperative.
The MOU outlines a shared vision to improve returns for new and lifelong fishers working on Great Slave Lake; create new jobs for residents in processing, packaging, selling and transporting Northwest Territories (NWT) fresh fish and secondary products for market; and provide a greater choice for NWT residents shopping for fresh, healthy, locally-produced food.
The agreement defines six areas in which the parties will come together to make their shared vision a reality.
In addition to establishing national and international markets for NWT fish, the GNWT’s Strategy for Revitalizing the Great Slave Lake Fishery includes expanded sales across the NWT; contributing to greater food security.
“With the right investment and approach, we believe the Great Slave Lake commercial fishing industry can be restored to the vibrant and prosperous sector it once was. I look forward to working with NWT fishers through their Tu Cho cooperative, to ensure that NWT producers see the benefits of having a direct say in their industry.
- Katrina Nokleby, Minister of Industry Tourism and Investment
Quick facts
· 26 different licenced fishers delivered fish to the Hay River Fish plant in 2019
· Collectively NWT fishers harvested and exported 824,000 lbs of fish last year
· NWT fishers, on average, net $1million from the export of Great Slave Lake Fish annually
Related links
· Strategy for Revitalizing the Great Slave Lake Commercial Fishery
Media Requests:
Drew Williams
Department of Industry, Tourism and Investment
Government of the Northwest Territories