Below are the definitions for each eRecruit job applications status option.
Acceptance Withdrawn
You were given a job offer that you accepted and subsequently withdrew.
Appeal Regret Verbal
A Human Resource Representative contacted you by phone or in person and provided notice of the appointment of another applicant to the position you applied on and your right to appeal the staffing decision.
Appeal Regret Written
A Human Resource Representative provided you written notice, via email or letter, of the appointment of another applicant to the position you applied on and your right to appeal the staffing decision.
You are an applicant with appeal rights and appealed the staffing decision for the position you applied on.
010 Applied
We received your application for the position.
You were or will be asked to complete an assignment.
Failed Pre-Screening
During the application process, you answered no to some or all of the eligibility requirements; therefore, you failed pre-screening and were not given further consideration in the competition.
General Regret
You were an unsuccessful candidate with no appeal rights and therefore informed of the regret by the Human Resource Representative.
You were hired with the GNWT.
Ineligible for Hire
You do not meet specific requirements and are considered ineligible for hire by the Government of the Northwest Territories at this time. If you have questions, please contact the applicable Human Resource Service Centre.
Ineligible - Hired Elsewhere
You returned a signed job offer for another Job Opening, as such, all other Job Openings changed to this status. If you have questions, please contact the applicable Human Resource Service Centre.
You were or will be invited for an interview.
Recruiter Linked
A recruiter linked you to this job opening.
Load Evaluation
Your application is being loaded for screening to determine if it meets the screening criteria.
Not Submitted
You have not completed or submitted the application for the job opening.
On Hold
The competition has been placed on hold. This can happen for a variety of reasons, for example, a member of the Hiring Team is unavailable for a period of time. For more information contact the Human Resource Representative for this job opening.
On Hold – Job Opening Appealed
The staffing decision has been appealled. For more information contact the Human Resource Representative for this job opening.
Passed Preliminary Screening
During the application process, you answered yes to some or all of the position requirements, therefore you passed preliminary screening and your application is eligible for further consideration.
Position Filled
The position was filled with another candidate and the job opening is now closed.
080 Ready to Hire
You signed a written job offer for the position. The paperwork for the position is not yet complete.
You are currently registered within the database of the applied job posting.
Regret - Appeal Denied
You were an applicant with appeal rights who chose to appeal the staffing decision and your appeal was denied.
Regret - Limited JO (Job Opening)
The job opening you applied on was run as a limited competition with specific criteria; i.e. limited to GNWT/WSCC term and indeterminate employees, to individuals living within a certain local, or to individuals belonging to a specific affirmative action group, and your application did not fall within the specified criteria. Therefore, you were provided a limited job opening regret.
Regret - On Probation
When you applied on the job opening you were a GNWT employee on probation. Deputy Head approval is required for employment consideration while on probation and was not provided with the application and/or upon subsequent request by a Human Resource Representative. You were, therefore, ineligible for further consideration and provided regret.
Regret- Job Opening Cancelled
The job opening was cancelled.
The selection committee is reviewing your application to see if it meets the screening criteria.
Screened In – Short Listed
The selection committee reviewed your application and determined you meet the screening criteria and you will move forward in the hiring process.
Screened In - Not Short Listed
The selection committee reviewed your application and determined you meet the screening criteria but will not move forward in the hiring process.
Screened Out
The selection committee reviewed your application and determined you did not meet the screening criteria. You will not move forward in the hiring process.
Signed Written Offer Received
You received, accepted, signed and returned a written employment offer to the Human Resource Representative.
Verbal Offer Accepted
You accepted the verbal employment offer for the position.
Verbal Offer Declined
You declined the verbal employment offer for the position.
Verbal Offer Extended
You were given a verbal employment offer for the position. This offer is conditional on the outcome of the appeal process, if applicable.
Verbal Offer Rescinded
You accepted a verbal employment offer for the position, but the position was appealed and the Human Resource Representative rescinded your offer.
130 Withdrawn Application
You withdrew from the job opening.
Written Offer Extended
You were given a written employment offer for the position.