Amphibians and reptiles

Long-toed Salamander

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The long-toed salamander, like most salamanders, is quite shy. You can easily identify this salamander by its brown to black body with a vivid yellow stripe down its back. It also has white flecks on its sides and feet. This slender salamander can reach a length of up to 140 mm. An adult long-toed salamander can weigh up to 7.5 g.

The long-toed salamander’s diet consists of insects, tad poles, worms, beetles and small fish.

Long Toed Salamander
Long Toed Salamander


The long-toed salamander may be found along the shores of rivers in the southern Dehcho region, just north of the Northwest Territories/Alberta border. They may be found in the forested understory, hiding under coarse woody debris, rocks and in small rodent burrows.