NWT Environmental Research Bulletin
The NWT Environmental Research Bulletins (NERB) are summaries of various NWT environmental research findings.
If you’re conducting environmental research in the NWT, consider sharing your information with northern decision-makers and residents in a bulletin. Each researcher of a NWT CIMP-funded project is required to submit a bulletin.
These research summaries are also of use to northern resource decision-makers.
2024 Volume 9
- Issue 70: Tracking the Future: How Human Actions Could Shape Boreal Caribou Populations in the NWT
- Issue 69: Murky Waters: Following Mercury from Peat Soils, Through Beaver Ponds into Streams and Rivers
- Issue 68: Ecological Influences on Nutrition and Body Condition of Boreal Caribou
- Issue 67: What is the Role of Birch Shrubs in ‘Greening’ the Bathurst Caribou Range?
- Issue 66: Understanding Great Slave Lake Productivity and Food-web Dynamics
- Issue 65: Warming Trends in Lake Temperatures in the North Slave Region
- Issue 64: How do parasites impact caribou health and population dynamics?
- Issue 63: Polycyclic aromatic compounds and water quality in the Sahtú Settlement Area
- Issue 62: Aquatic Ecosystems in the Fort Good Hope Area as Indicators of Environmental Change
2023 Volume 8
- Issue 61: How does long term exposure to permafrost thaw slumps affect stream health?
- Issue 60: Establishing a biomonitoring program to understand the impacts of Arctic roadways on stream ecosystems
- Issue 59: Permafrost thaw slumping and impacts to łuk dagaii (broad whitefish) habitat in the Peel River Watershed
- Issue 58: Understanding challenges of community-driven monitoring of lakes and rivers in the Gwich’in Settlement Area
- Issue 57: NWT Thermokarst Mapping Collective
- Issue 56: Hot then cold: how paired wildfire and permafrost thaw events are shaping boreal caribou habitat
- Issue 55: New decision-support tools for understanding cumulative impacts on barren-ground caribou in the NWT
- Issue 54: Does frequency of flooding affect wetlands in the Slave River Delta?
- Issue 53: Broad whitefish migration and fishery access in the lower Mackenzie River watershed
- Issue 52: Clues in the Water: Detecting Inconnu populations and spawning migrations in river systems around Great Slave Lake
2022 Volume 7
- Issue 51: Does road dust affect waterfleas in lakes along the Dempster and Inuvik Tuktoyaktuk highways?
- Issue 50: Ekwǫ̀ Nàxoèhdee K’e - watching caribou with our ‘boots on the ground’
- Issue 49: Ecological monitoring of Lake trout in Great Slave Lake
- Issue 48: Environmental factors slowing the recovery of Yellowknife area lakes from legacy arsenic pollution
- Issue 47: Why do fish mercury levels in Dehcho lakes vary so much?
- Issue 46: Recovery of boreal caribou habitat after forest fires
- Issue 45: Legacy mining contamination of arsenic in sediments of Yellowknife Bay
- Issue 44: Why did the caribou cross the road? Barren-ground caribou and an industrial winter road
- Issue 43: Developing a YKDFN Cumulative Effects Framework
- Issue 42: Changing Lake Ecosystems in Response to Warming Temperatures
- Issue 41: Mobilizing Indigenous Knowledge in Resource Management Settings: Guide for Practitioners
- Issue 40: Mercury levels in lake trout in Great Bear Lake, NWT
- Issue 39: Monitoring Cumulative Impacts of Mining Development on Bathurst Caribou Habitat
- Issue 38: Fish in the Liard River Watershed: Observations from community harvesters provide a baseline for future studies
- Issue 37: Dramatic changes to the waters of the Inuvik region, NWT
- Issue 36: ‘Watching the Land’: Knowing the Impacts of Change
- Issue 35: Impacts of Fire on Woodland and Barren-ground Caribou Habitat
- Issue 34: Impacts of peatland permafrost thaw on water
- Issue 33: Assessing trends in caribou harvest
- Issue 32: Assessing trends in caribou observations and health
2021 Volume 6
- Issue 31: Trends in berry harvesting
- Issue 30: Modeling Sahtú region landscape futures
- Issue 29: How will climate warming and permafrost thaw affect fish, bugs, and waterfleas living in Arctic lakes?
- Issue 28: Habitat Selection by Boreal Caribou in the NWT
- Issue 27: Thaw slumps, landscape change and critical infrastructure
- Issue 26: Improving Resource Management using Indigenous Knowledge and Community - Based Monitoring
- Issue 25: Remote Sensing of Vegetation on the Bathurst Caribou Herd Range
- Issue 24: The Ka’a’gee Tu Atlas - Community-based mapping and monitoring of a changing landscape
2020 Volume 5
- Issue 23 - Genetic Assessment of Inconnu in Great Slave Lake, NWT
- Issue 22 - How do forest fires affect wetland water quality in Ts’ude Niline Tuyeta?
- Issue 21 - Contaminants along the Tibbitt-to-Contwoyto winter road
- Issue 20 - Are forest fires increasing the amounts of metals in lakes and wetlands?
- Issue 19 - Cumulative impact monitoring: Improving practices for informed decisions
2019 Volume 4
- Issue 18 - Traditional Knowledge and Cumulative Impact Assessment of Boreal Caribou
- Issue 17 - Arctic Salmon: Community monitoring initiatives find increasing salmon in the NWT (en français ici)
2018 Volume 3
- Issue 16 - Elders' stories of Jean Marie River: Impacts of permafrost thaw and forest fires on boreal caribou habitat
- Issue 15 - Tracking Wildlife in the Sahtu
2017 Volume 2
- Issue 14 - Remote Sensing of the Scotty Creek Basin
- Issue 13 - Stable Isotope Analysis of Mercury in Fish of the Slave River Delta Region
- Issue 12 - Patterns of Fish Habitat Use and Migration in the Slave River System
- Issue 11 - Warmer temperatures and changing snowpack structure: what this means for the Bathurst Caribou Herd
- Issue 10 - Understanding and predicting fish mercury levels in the Dehcho region
- Issue 9 - Caribou, Mining Operations and the Zone of Influence
2016 Volume 1
- Issue 8 - Ground temperatures and thermokarst in the North Slave Region
- Issue 7 - Changing hydrology in Baker Creek
- Issue 6 - Mapping to document environmental observations in the Inuvialuit Settlement Region
- Issue 5 - How slumps are impacting aquatic systems in the Gwich’in Settlement Area
- Issue 4 - Impacts of wildfires on Boreal Caribou
- Issue 3 - Concentrations of mercury and other heavy metals in furbearers from the Slave River
- Issue 2 - Muskrat pushup abundance along the Slave River
- Issue 1 - Impacts of Linear Development on Fish