Yellowknife periphery area recreation management planning

The Government of Northwest Territories is developing a recreation management plan for the lands outside and around Yellowknife, Detah, and Ndılǫ that are well-used for outdoor recreation. Finalizing the plan for the Yellowknife periphery area is identified in the mandate of the 18th Legislative Assembly.

Why make a recreation management plan?

The purpose of the plan is to provide direction and guidance for the management of outdoor recreation resources and opportunities in the area.

A recreation management plan in the area will position the GNWT to:

  • improve the coordination between GNWT departments on recreation resource management
  • make informed decisions about strategic investments in recreation infrastructure, including land disposition
  • support the recreation and tourism industry that depends on access to a diversity of high quality recreational opportunities

What will the plan include?

The recreation management plan for the Yellowknife periphery area will outline:

  • the type of recreation opportunities desired in the area, including where the GNWT may offer more cabin lot leases and where it should avoid issuing them
  • strategies and actions to address area-wide issues like waste management, public education, and parking
  • strategies and actions to address specifc issues within area such as Vee Lake parking area or Tartan Rapids

How does this work fit with land claim negotiations?

The study area is within an area of active land claim negotiations. The land management system is very likely to change because of negotiations, and the GNWT will reconsider the recreation management plan for this area to align with the changes.

Certain lands have been withdrawn from disposition to facilitate land, resource, and self-government negotiations. The withdrawals ensure that new third party interests are not established on land that is under negotiation for land selection.

Where is the planning at now?

In the summer of 2016, the GNWT completed initial public engagement. A summary engagement report which outlines the feedback gathered, is available online.

The preliminary draft plan is currently under review by Indigenous governments and organizations in the area.

The final plan for the Yellowknife periphery area will provide direction and guidance to the GNWT for the management of outdoor recreation resources and opportunities in the area, in a way that is transparent, consistent, and reflects public values.