Programs and Services

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Home assessments by experts to help people with homes, cabins, or businesses make a FireSmart action plan.
Information about conservation network planning in the Northwest Territories, including "Healthy Land, Healthy People".
Information about legislation and regulations affecting NWT residents
Information about the description and distribution of lynx in the Northwest Territories.
Make a payment on your account with the GNWT
Information about the transport, burning and demolition of hazardous waste, along with information about collection events.
Information about description, distribution and habitat of marten in the Northwest Territories.
Information about GNWT arsenic monitoring activities in the Yellowknife Area.
Information about description, distribution, habitat, harvesting and the cultural importance of moose in the Northwest Territories
Information about description, distribution and harvesting of muskoxen in the Northwest Territories.
Information about description, distribution, habitat and diseases of the Northern Mountain Caribou in the Northwest Territories.
NWT CIMP coordinates conducts and funds research and reporting about the environment in the NWT.
The audit is looking at the effectiveness of the NWT regulatory system.
The NWT State of the Environment (NWT SOE Report) provides information on topics relevant to the environment.
Funding is available for youth ages 18-30 to lead community projects or events that support the goals and vision of the Water Strategy.
Information about description, distribution, habitat and diseases of the polar bear in the Northwest Territories.
Information about policies enacted by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources.
Information on the preliminary screening process in the Mackenzie Valley.
