Programs and Services

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Full-service analytical laboratory that performs a wide range of organic and inorganic chemical analyses on water and soil.
Information on the Take a Family on the Land Program offered by the GNWT.
Information about obligations under the Traditional Knowledge Policy and Implementation Framework.
Programs and services to support NWT trappers and harvesters.
Apply for a summer outdoor environmental education program.
The GNWT is working to identify and address the root causes of unauthorized occupation in the Northwest Territories.
This Zone has been implemented to let hunters know where harvesting of Bathurst Caribou is prohibited.
Dettah recycling centre
Programs to reduce, reuse, recycle and recover waste products/materials across the NWT.
Information about water stewardship, regulatory responsibilities,water monitoring and assessment, transboundary water agreements.
Bulletins updating on water levels, water flow, and snow monitoring
The deadline to provide comment on this engagement has passed. Check back soon for results.
Wildfire crew in Beaufort Delta
Information about wildfire management in the NWT.
Information about wildfire prevention and safety in the NWT.
Banner saying Report Smoke Or Fire, 1877 NWT FIRE
Information about current wildfire conditions.
Information about new regulations to protect wildlife in the Northwest Territories.
Information about how to spot wildlife diseases, precautions if you shoot a diseased animal and how to collect samples.
The responsibility for wildlife management is shared between governments, users and renewable resource boards.
