Apply for a hunting licence

Hunting Licence for Aboriginal Harvesters

General Hunting Licence

Who needs this licence?

If you are an Aboriginal harvester in the NWT, you need a General Hunting Licence (GHL) to harvest in areas of the NWT in which, subject to land claim agreements, you do not have a right to harvest.

The GHL is good for your lifetime.

You must follow the seasons, bag limits, tag requirements and conditions for GHL holders outlined in the big game, small game and trapping regulations.

Note: Aboriginal harvesters who do not have traditional harvesting rights in the NWT need a resident or non-resident hunting licence and must follow the seasons, bag limits and other conditions laid out in the regulations for their particular licence.

How much does it cost?

There is no fee for a GHL. Fees are charged for the tag, and vary by species of game. For more information, view the Wildlife Fees Regulations.

Where can I get it?

Available in person from your local or regional ECC Office.

Special Harvester Licence

Who needs this licence?

Some land claim agreements include an exclusive right for beneficiaries to harvest furbearers in certain areas. This can be issued to people who do not have Aboriginal or treaty rights in the NWT but are supporting an Indigenous family, living a subsistence lifestyle or, for some other reason, want to trap or harvest more than is allowed under a resident or non-resident hunting licence.

You can only get a Special Harvester Licence if your application is recommended by a local harvesting committee, band council or Métis council.

This means licensed hunters can only harvest the following species with permission from the land claim organization and must obtain a Special Harvester Licence:

  • Ground squirrel, red squirrel, marmot and hare in the Inuvialuit Settlement Region
  • Ground squirrel, red squirrel and marmot in the Gwich’in Settlement Area
  • Red squirrel and marmot in the Sahtù Settlement Area
  • Woodchuck and red squirrel on Tłıcho˛ lands

For more information, see the Small Game Regulations.

How much does it cost?

The fee for an authorization to harvest fur-bearers is $22.

Fees for a special harvester licence to hunt are charged for the tag, and vary by species of game. For more information, view the Wildlife Fees Regulations.

Where can I get it?

Available in person from your local or regional ECC Office.

Where can I find more detailed information?

The information in this section is intended as an overview.

There are different types of licences required to harvest in the NWT, depending on where you live, what game you are after, and whether you are an Aboriginal harvester.

Additional permission, permits or licences may be required, depending on where you live, what you plan to hunt, and what you intend to do with your harvest.

For more detailed information, see: