Ejié Túé Ndáde
What is Ejié Túé Ndáde?
Ejié Túé Ndáde (Eh-jzhe-twé-in-DA-deh), also known as Buffalo Lake, River and Trails, is an area of approximately 2,180 km² in the southeastern corner of the Dehcho region. The candidate area includes the western portion of Ejié Túé (Buffalo Lake) and Ejié Túé Dehé (Buffalo River).
In the past, the K’átł’odeeche got’i (people of K’átł’odeeche) depended on the wildlife in these areas to provide for their families. They developed an important cultural and spiritual relationship to the Buffalo Lake area, an experience that now extends to both the Dene and Métis in the surrounding communities.
Most of Ejié Túé Ndáde is temporarily protected through the Dehcho region interim land withdrawal in place as part of the ongoing land, resources and self-government agreement negotiations and in effect until December 31, 2020.
Why is it important?
- Buffalo Lake and the network of wetland complexes within the Ejié Túé Ndáde Candidate Area are important for migratory birds and waterfowl, moose, muskrat, beaver and fish.
- Ejié Túé Ndáde continues to be an excellent area to hunt, fish and trap. This enables elders and harvesters from the communities to continue teaching youth about traditional beliefs, values, knowledge and skills associated with wildlife and wildlife
habitat. - The area is also rich in cultural history, containing a number of archaeological, spiritual and culturally significant sites. These include numerous cabins and camp sites, trap lines and trails, burial sites and other sacred areas.
- 2003 - The cultural and ecological importance of Ejié Túé Ndáde leads the K’átł’odeeche First Nation to initiate the process to formally protect the area.
- 2010 - A working group is established to oversee the assessment of Ejié Túé Ndáde and make recommendations regarding its establishment as a protected area.
- 2014 - All assessments are completed and the working group has drafted a recommendations report.
Next steps
- Discussions continue on next steps in the planning and decision making processes regarding the establishment of the Ejié Túé Ndáde Candidate Area.
- The Government of the Northwest Territories will continue to recognize and respect Aboriginal and treaty rights, including requirements of land, resources and self-government agreements within the Ejié Túé Ndáde Candidate Area.