Learn about the NWT's Conservation Network

Ka’a’gee Tu

What is Ka’a’gee Tu?

The Ka’a’gee Tu (kah-gee-too) Candidate Area is approximately 9,600 km². It is situated in the south-eastern corner of the Dehcho region and includes a large portion of the Kakisa River watershed.

This candidate area is culturally and ecologically rich, full of resources that have sustained the Ka’a’gee Tu (Kakisa) people for generations.

Much of the Ka’a’gee Tu Candidate Area is temporarily protected through the Dehcho region interim land withdrawal, which is in place as part of ongoing land, resources and self-government agreement negotiations and in effect until December 31, 2020.

Photo credit: Pat Kane

Why is it important?

  • The Ka’a’gee Tu Candidate Area is culturally and ecologically rich and diverse with local and national significance.
  • The Ka’a’gee Tu people selected these lands for permanent protection to balance the preservation of their cultural heritage, and the ecosystems that support it, with the need for economic security and growth. Areas known to have high non-renewable resource potential were purposely excluded.
  • The resources found in the Ka’a’gee Tu Candidate Area have sustained the Ka’a’gee Tu people for generations. Moose, beaver, fish and large numbers of waterfowl are found throughout the area. A number of species-at-risk, such as woodland caribou and rusty blackbirds, along with some rare plant species, are also found within Ka’a’gee Tu.
  • A new population of Canada warblers, a threatened bird species, was discovered in the Cameron Hills which, is in the southeast of the Ka’a’gee Tu Candidate Area.


  • 2009 - The Canadian Wildlife Service and Environment Canada sponsor Ka’a’gee Tu as a Candidate Area.
  • 2010 - A Working Group is established. As part of the process, the Ka’a’gee Tu people work with the Deh Gah Gotie, K’atł’odeeche First Nation, West Point First Nation, the NWT Métis Nation and stakeholders. The Working Group drafts recommendations on designation, boundary and management of the area. All field work and assessments are completed.

Next steps

  • The Government of the Northwest Territories (GNWT) is currently working with the community of Kakisa, the Government of Canada and other partners to conclude the planning and decision making processes for the Ka’a’gee Tu Candidate Area.
  • The GNWT will continue to recognize and respect Aboriginal and treaty rights, including requirements of land, resources and self-government agreements.

Map of the consultation boundary

Ka’a’gee Tu

Additional resources